Support Us

Every child deserves the opportunity to have a big future and build a great life

There are a number of ways you can support a disadvantaged child in your community to build a big future and a great life.

Big Futures Foundation supports children living in disadvantaged communities from age 5 right through school and through post 18 education to when they start work. We help children and their families with their emotional resilience, wellbeing and life skills. Our goal is to help all children, no matter their background, reach their potential in the classroom and the workplace.


Every donation made to Big Futures Foundation can support a child to thrive in school, their personal life and reach their potential in life.

£35 pays for an hours therapeutic counselling
• £50 pays for a term of life skill and resilience training for a child
• £70 pays for a child to learn to swim
• £280 pays for a block of 6-8 counselling sessions for a child, parent or young person
• £3,000 pays for one term of tuition fees for a young person at a British university

These are the ways you can donate:

Online with:

Give as you Live

Donate now >

By Cheque

Please make your cheque payable to Big Futures Foundation and send to us with a completed donations form at:

Big Futures Foundation
19 Chestnut Avenue,
York YO31 1BR

Payroll Giving (GAYE)

If you are an employee and your employer operates a Payroll Giving Scheme you can donate to Big Futures Foundation through your payroll under the Give As You Earn (GAYE) scheme. Donations to Big Futures Foundation made through Payroll Giving are taken from your salary before tax. For example, every £10 you give will only actually cost you £8 (at the standard 20% tax rate); the taxman pays the balance. If you pay higher rate tax at 40%, the actual cost of a £10 donation is only £6.

Every time you’re paid, your Payroll Department deducts the agreed amount and sends it to us. There’s nothing more for you to do. Please ask your employer how you can set up a regular donation to Big Futures Foundation using GAYE.

Set up a Regular Gift

It’s good for us to receive a steady income, regular gifts allow us to plan ahead. A standing order set up with your bank is the easiest and most efficient way of giving on a regular basis. If you are a UK taxpayer we can claim back Gift Aid on your donation.

£5 a month can help a child to participate in a gymnastics or art club
• £10 a month can help to pay for therapeutic counselling for a child
• £20 a month can help a young person afford the cost of studying for a vocational qualification
• £100 a quarter can help pay for the living costs of a young person at university

Set up a regular gift online with Give as you Live:

Donate monthly >

Set up a regular gift by post here

You can find out about Gift Aid here


If you’d like to raise money for us we’ll be able to help more kids build big futures and great lives.

We love to work with sports clubs, church groups, community groups and local schools. Sponsoring a local child to build a Big Future and a great life is a wonderful way to show your involvement and commitment to your local community.

‘We want Big Futures Foundation children to be the best they can be. To have the support they need to make the most of their school career and to grow into adults who are happy in their personal and working lives and proud to be themselves.’

Your event means a lot to us. If you let us know what you’re going to do we’ll be more than happy to tell people about it on our website, through Facebook and Twitter, and in our newsletter.

We can also send you leaflets, sponsorship forms, collecting boxes and Big Futures Foundation T-Shirts.
Here are some great ideas:

Physical challenges (eg. London Marathon; walking, cycling or swimming challenges). A sponsorship page can be set up at Give as you Live:


Select “Fundraise for us” to create your page.

You can also download a sponsorship form here.
Community events (jumble sales, fêtes, plant sales, cake sales)
School events (perhaps with Big Futures Foundation as a school’s ‘Charity of the Year’)

For some good fundraising tips go to: Raising Funding

Memorials, Celebrations and Legacies

Memorial funds

A memorial fund is a special way to remember a loved one. Many people feel that helping a charity is a longer lasting memorial than flowers. We can provide you with Big Futures Foundation leaflets to hand out either at or before your occasion and can acknowledge your generous support in our newsletter. We can also provide donation envelopes. Contact us if you would like us to send you leaflets or envelopes.

You can also set up a webpage here to remember someone special and celebrate their life:


Select “Fundraise for us” to create your page.


Celebrate a special occasion by asking for donations to Big Futures Foundation in place of gifts. Click on our Fundraise button and select “Fundraise for us” to set up an online fundraising page.


If we feel we have everything we need, it’s great to think that instead of gathering more possessions we can help disadvantaged children to build a Big Future and a great life. For example, it’s a good way to celebrate a big birthday, the birth of a child, a marriage, a wedding anniversary, or retirement.

We can send you leaflets and Big Future’s Foundation balloons for your occasion.
If you would like to make a gift in celebration or in memory of someone, you can do so in any of the following ways:

Donate Securely Online at Give as you Live

Donate now >

By post

Please download the donations form and send the completed form with a cheque made payable to Big Futures Foundation to:

Big Futures Foundation, 19 Chestnut Avenue, York, YO31 1BR


By remembering Big Futures Foundation in your Will, you are helping to ensure that Big Futures Foundation can continue its work helping disadvantaged children thrive at school, build a big future and a great, fulfilled life. We promise that your gift, however large or small, will be spent wisely and make a genuine difference to children’s lives.

Big Futures Foundation, as a registered charity, can receive:

  • Pecuniary Legacies (a defined sum of money)
  • Specific Legacies (such as property)
  • Residuary Legacies (a proportion of the remainder of an estate after all debts, costs and specific legacies have been paid)

We recommend that you consult a solicitor when making or amending your Will. You will need to instruct them with your wishes, our name (Big Futures Foundation), charity number (1173374) and address (Big Futures Foundation, 19 Chestnut Avenue, York YO31 1BR). The links below provide details of people who can help you.

Law Society

Institute of Professional Will Writers

If you do decide to leave a gift to Big Futures Foundation, we would be very pleased to hear from you so we can thank you, keep you informed of our work and ensure that your wishes are carried out accurately. Please email us or call us on 01904 914571.

Corporate Giving

Corporate support

Your company can support a disadvantaged child in your community to build a Big Future and a Great Life

Big Futures Foundation is always happy to speak to companies who are interested in the work we do with disadvantaged children and their families. We will work in partnership to achieve your corporate giving objectives. We can help you to show your commitment to your local community, fulfil your corporate and social responsibility aims, increase your profile, and motivate your staff.

We could come to talk to your staff about our work with children. Below are some of the ways in which we could work together.

Charity of the Year

You could nominate Big Futures Foundation as your ‘Charity of the Year’ and we could develop a range of activities to involve your staff, their families, your customers and clients.

Partnerships and Sponsorship

Big Futures Foundation has a number of areas and activities that are suitable for sponsorship. These include resources for schools, newsletters and events. Your company may like to be a partner in one of the following:
• Helping a disadvantaged child to achieve their academic potential in school by sponsoring the cost of therapeutic counselling for a child or group of children.
• Sponsoring a therapeutic counsellor, life coach or mentor working with disadvantaged children to help them make the most of their education.
• Sponsoring a disadvantaged child to participate in an enrichment activity such as gymnastics, swimming or learning a musical instrument.

Your company may also like to consider sponsoring a fundraising event, or an aspect of an event. This could be anything from printing and distributing publicity materials to providing wine for a reception or paying the costs of hiring a venue.

Gifts in Kind

Your company may be able to help Big Futures Foundation through the donation of office equipment or prizes for auctions, or you may have expert volunteers who might be able to work on a specific project for us – for example maintaining our IT system or doing some graphic design work for us.

Payroll Giving

Payroll Giving allows your employees to make a donation to Big Futures Foundation directly from their pre-tax salary and to receive immediate tax relief on the donation. It provides Big Futures Foundation with regular, reliable donations, allowing us to plan ahead and budget for the future.

Payroll Giving is quick and easy to set up and administer within your company. All companies must be registered with a Payroll Giving Agency (PGA) before they can offer payroll giving to employees. Once the payroll giving system is up and running, the PGA undertakes most of the administration. Click here for more information.

Offering work experience or work shadowing placements

This is a chance for everyone to benefit. Your company will have the chance to diversify its’ workforce and our programme participants will have the opportunity to experience work first hand, often in industries difficult for them to break into.